
Welcome to The Juicer! 🍊

The Juicer is a curated AI, tech, and self-improvement newsletter that helps you 10x your productivity.

Sent out every Wednesday, issues are a simple 5 minute read with just 3 juicy tips.

Who Writes The Juicer?

That’ll be me - Justin!

Currently, I carefully curate and write all issues.

And I guarantee you’ll love how juicy and informative they are.

Join The Juicer and I’ll see you every Wednesday!

How did The Juicer start?

It started off as a spin-off from the content I was writing on my blog Justjooz.com.

I started with sharing about the latest tech, included tech that I had used heavily.

Over time, I grew to learn how to use AI tools to my advantage, and wanted to share that with others.

Today, The Juicer now shares content related to AI, tech, self-development on a personal level.

Who is a typical reader of The Juicer?

Our readers are mostly people who are founders, business leaders, AI professionals, senior marketers, and AI and tech enthusiasts.

Most of the audience is male, a millennial, and live in the US, UK, or Germany.

All our readers are deeply interested in how to leverage AI or tech to improve business processes and outcomes.

Why should I join The Juicer?

Whether you’re a complete newbie to AI/ tech stuff or a seasoned IT professional, there’s always something refreshingly new in the tech scene each week.

Here, you’ll receive only the juiciest content about how to implement tech into your lives for a more productive workflow.

You’ll receive just 3 simple tips, once a week on Wednesdays.


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Please take a look at our dedicated partnership page.

Contact Us

If you want to contact us, please do so at [email protected]