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  • 🍊 This Week's Juice: Pi - A Personal AI, Storytelling AI for Educators, and Foldable Electric Scooters!

🍊 This Week's Juice: Pi - A Personal AI, Storytelling AI for Educators, and Foldable Electric Scooters!

Hey friends!

Firstly, I wanted to thank all 700+ of you who just came in through my LinkedIn posts! 😊

I really appreciate you downloading my resources and joining this newsletter.

Over here, we share curated tech topics that I find will genuinely be helpful for you! (Productivity/Personal-wise!)

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🍊 Here's this week's special juice:

  1. Pi: A Personal AI Assistant

  2. Storytelling AI for educators: Storywizard.ai

  3. Foldable Electric Scooters

Let's get into it!

- Justin 🍊

Read time: 4.5 minutes

1. Pi: A Personal AI Assistant!πŸ“±πŸŒ±

Ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of AI?

Yeah, me too.

It's hard to get personalization out of AI, and ChatGPT just seems like a big black box.

ChatGPT is powerful, but you start with a blank sheet every time - and it's hard to start.

Recently, I found this AI called Pi.

No, I'm not talking about the Pi from math.

Pi is a personal AI that takes AI personalization seriously - with beautiful design!

Best part?

And no, I'm not sponsored or affiliated with them - I just love this!

Pi's beautiful interface!

Pi learns from you and personalizes content to talk to you.

Let's try:

Here's me having my first conversation with Pi:

Then I told it I wanted to start a blog!

While the conversation can start like this, saving and creating an account can allow Pi to learn from you.

They can slowly learn your preferences and strengths, and suggest ways to help you out!

You can choose to read more about their their ​data safety​.

Pi's Inflection-2 model

Did you know that ​Pi's model, Inflection-2​, is the best model in the world for its compute class and the second most capable LLM in the world today?

Go ahead and try ​Pi​ today :)

2. Storytelling AI for Educators: Storywizard.ai πŸ§™πŸΌ

Educators out there!

Want to create an AI-generated story for your lesson plan in 2 minutes?

Here's a good AI to begin with:

Storywizard.ai! πŸ§™πŸΌ

All you have to do is go through a simple 4-step process to get an AI-generated story WITH images:

  1. Pick a main character

  2. Give it a name

  3. Give it 2 sentences of prompts

  4. Your story is complete! (1min generation time)

Narration is also included!

And your first story is FREE!

Now let's try it:

I picked a puppy for my main character.

I named it Snowy! ❄️

I gave it some prompting.

Our AI story is ready!

Let's read it:

Not bad at all! You can also ​read my story​ online and try flipping the pages!

3. Foldable Electric Scooters πŸ›΄

I love tech, don't you also love it too?

Other than AI, I love tech gadgets with great design and scream "the future".

While everyone is talking about the new Cybertruck release: Cyberbeast, I saw a video by MKBHD on a foldable electric scooter.

While really portable, it needs a little push to get started.

Also, it takes a long time to set up...

Some quick specs:

  • Front wheel drive

  • 15 mph top speed (mode 2)

  • 12 miles range

Cool ain't it?

AI Image Film of the Week! 🎬

Images are old news tbh...

Made using DALL-E 3, Gen-2 by Runway, ChatGPT, and Tianyu genius. ;)

That's all, folks - see you next Wednesday!

If you have any questions or feedback, reply to this email. (I'll personally reply! :)


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