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  • šŸŠ This Week's Juice: Mindmapping with ChatGPT, Pika: AI Video Generator, and Tesla's Optimus Gen 2

šŸŠ This Week's Juice: Mindmapping with ChatGPT, Pika: AI Video Generator, and Tesla's Optimus Gen 2

You'll learn how to draw a mindmap in ChatGPT using plugins, learn how to create AI videos, and Tesla's new robot!

Hey friends - Justin here!

Welcome to the last issue of The Juicer for 2023!

I wanted to thank YOU so much for subscribing and loving the content here and on LinkedIn!

Hereā€™s to better content and bigger goals for 2024.

I have been preparing lots of content behind the scenes for you guys.

Okay, letā€™s serve you up your weekly juice! šŸŠ

  1. How to draw a mind map with ChatGPT

  2. Pika: A new AI text-to-video generator

  3. Teslaā€™s Optimus Gen 2 Robot

- Justin šŸŠ

Read time: 4.5 minutes

1. How to Draw a Mind Map with ChatGPT šŸ§  šŸ—ŗļø

Ever wanted to quickly get an overview of a topic?

Try using ChatGPT to draw a mind map in just 3 minutes!

And itā€™s FREE! (But you need a ChatGPT Plug subscription)

Hereā€™s how:

Step 1) Download ChatGPT Plugins

Download ChatGPT Plugins from the plugin store first. Theyā€™re free!

Youā€™ll need these 2 plugins:

VoxScript - Enables searching of YouTube transcripts, web browsing/searching, and more!

AI Diagrams - Create and edit Whimsical Flowcharts, Mind Maps, and Sequence Diagrams.

Step 2) Initialize Plugins in Chat

Make sure that both ChatGPT Plugins are checked with blue boxes at the top.

Your interface should look like this.

Step 3) Key In This Prompt

Next, key in this prompt:

Explain the topic of [replace with your topics here] comprehensively. Simplify the concepts and visuals to make complex topics easier to understand and engaging. Then turn it into a mind map

Why do we get it to explain and simplify concepts first?

This gives ChatGPT some material to create the mind map.

Hereā€™s how it works

ChatGPT will first use its knowledge and the Voxscript plugin to browse the internet. Then the AI Diagrams plugin will create the mind map from the content.

I used this prompt:

Explain the topic of biochemistry comprehensively. Simplify the concepts and visuals to make complex topics easier to understand and engaging. Then turn it into a mind map

Hereā€™s the result:

Hmm, it looks a bit off but donā€™t worry, the formatting will be fixed in the next step.

Letā€™s move on.

Step 4) Making Final Touches

Click on ā€œView or edit this diagram in Whimsical.ā€

Youā€™ll be taken to a whiteboard by Whimsical, where you can edit the mind map produced using AI.

Pretty neat, ainā€™t it!!

Hereā€™s how to export it.

You have three options:

  • Screenshot it

  • Right-click and Copy as image

  • Right-click and Copy link to board position

If you want to Copy as image/link to board position, follow these steps:

Hereā€™s the final result with mind map of biochemistry! You can crop out the watermark if you want.

Biochemistry Mind map made using ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plugins

2. Pika: A new AI text-to-video generator šŸ“¹

ā€œpixar animated deer in the snowā€ via Pika

Have you heard of Pika?

Nah, I donā€™t mean Pikachu!

Pika is an AI text-to-video generator that making leaps.

Best part about it is that itā€™s FREE!

You just need to sign up for the waiting list to use it.

You can now give it a try!

Itā€™s a simple as using ChatGPT.

Give it a prompt and see how it brings your text into life with animations!

Here are a few prompts I tried:

pixar animated deer in the snow
boy slam dunks in a basketball net
a beautiful xmas tree, anime style
Festive Christmas market bustling with people, colorful stalls, and holiday decorations
A cool rock band is performing in the snow under warm street light, 3D animation

Letā€™s discuss some of the pros and cons of Pika.

Pros of Pika

Pika is great at creating animations, especially anime-styled and Disneyā€™s Pixar-styled scenes.

I recommend it for quick storyboarding for animations: animated movies and anime scenes.

Cons of Pika

It canā€™t generate dynamic, fast moving scenes. Also canā€™t handle human faces well and canā€™t handle multiple persons well.

It canā€™t handle details very well.

All in all, I recommend you to try out Pika, either for the fun of it, or to help out your creative process!

3. Teslaā€™s Optimus Gen 2 Robot šŸ¤–

Have you seen this latest robot by Tesla?

Itā€™s called the Optimus Gen 2.

I may be biased but itā€™s got such fluid robotic movements that mimic a human!

It was made to be powered by AI to do difficult, dangerous, and repetitive tasks.

Optimus Gen 2 handling eggs with care - Tesla

Yes, it can also handle delicate eggs with cracking them! šŸ„š

Here are some specs of the Optimus Gen 2 I liked:

  • 30% faster walking speed

  • 2 DoF head actuation

  • Faster 11 DoF brand-new hands

  • Can handle eggs without cracking (WOW!)

  • Can dance to music haha šŸ•ŗ 

Optimus Gen 2s dancing to music

Not sure how much of this is a marketing show, but the robotics don't lie.

The future is exciting!

AI Image of the Week!

Jesus Christ being born in a humble manger - The AI Bible

In the Spirit of Christmas, Iā€™d like to share this beautiful AI-generated image of Jesusā€™ birth in a manger (animal shed).

I love the details, lighting and tenderness of this nativity scene.

The AI bible also shares many other beautiful graphics from bible scenes in Pixar and photorealistic styles. Check them out!

Blessed Christmas everyone! šŸŽ„šŸŽ

That's all, folks - see you in 2024!

Iā€™ve got loads in store for you so stay tuned!

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